The Writing Process

POWERWriting is a process. While some pieces of your writing may take more time than others, the process should be the same. Completing the process will help you write your best, whether you are writing a letter, a short story, or an essay.

There are five simple steps in this process, and there is a simple way to remember them. Just remember to POWER up your writing!

P = Prewrite

O = Organize

W = Write

E = Edit

R = Revise

Learning how to properly POWER up your writing will help you in this course, and in other aspects of your life. You will need to make sure that you know how to write, since writing is a lifelong skill. Just think of the many types of writing you complete for school assignments, as well as for activities and responsibilities outside of school.

POWER Up Your Writing

POWER presentation iconNow it is time to learn how to put some POWER in your writing! Watch the presentation to learn steps you can take to make your writing the best it can be. Make sure to complete the interactive quiz that is in the presentation and to take notes as your learn. Click the player button to begin.

Download a printable version of the interactivity.

Five Paragraph Essay

Five Paragraph EssayThe five paragraph format is commonly used when writing an essay. This format consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. In this interactivity, you will learn more about this essay format. Click the player button to begin.

Download a printable version of the interactivity.


Writing Process Review

Writing Process Review playerSelf-Check iconTo make your writing the best it can be, put some POWER behind it with the writing process. In this non-graded activity, choose the steps and major components of the writing-process step indicated, and then click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.