Thesis Statement and Outlining

girl in front of computerIt is time to start to develop your own thesis statement and outline. Revisit the research question/topic that you chose in Topic 3 on which you conducted your Internet research. (They are listed below as a reminder.) Write a thesis statement for your research topic based on the research you completed in Topic 3 and your own stance on the research question/topic. Your thesis statement must not be the same as any thesis statement example from this lesson. Once you have developed a good thesis statement, you will begin your outline. For this application, you need to develop only your category topic sentences (fill in the Roman numerals). No supporting facts or researched details are required, yet. For this assignment, you must create at least three categories.

Research topics:

  • Who really wrote, or authored, Shakespeare’s plays?
  • What caused the Russian Revolution?
  • Who are the heroes of the Trojan War?
  • Who were the most influential poets of the Harlem Renaissance?

Your outline should contain the following components:

I. Introduction

Thesis Statement:

II. First Category – (Write your topic sentence.)

III. Second Category – (Write your topic sentence.)

IV. Third Category – (Write your topic sentence.)

V. Conclusion

Review the Thesis Statement and Outlining Checklist to ensure that you have included all needed items.

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Once you have completed your outline, please submit your work to the dropbox.