Allegory in Animal Farm (Chapters 1 and 2)

student reading in the grassJournal iconIn this topic, you will learn more about how Animal Farm is an allegory for the people and events of the Russian Revolution. In addition, you will begin to explore how George Orwell used this novel to communicate several messages about power, corruption and human nature. Throughout your life, you may have read a story or seen a movie that on the surface seems to be about one thing, while it is really trying to give you a message about something else.

Try to think of a least one example of a story that you have read or a movie that you have seen that fits this description. In your journal, compose three to four sentences reflecting on how effective you think the message was, even though it was delivered through a fictional work. Why do you think authors tell stories to communicate ideas that they could just simply state? If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod4_allegory and submit it to the journal dropbox.