Satire in Animal Farm (Chapters 3 and 4)

The picture on the right may seem silly to you because seeing a child dressed in a doctor's uniform is not common. Children are not medical doctors. This image uses a satirical technique known as incongruity, which means to present something in a surrounding in which it is so out of place that the reader thinks it is absurd.

You have probably seen a movie that makes fun of another movie, such as an extremely silly version of a horror movie. Satire is similar to making fun of something, or making a "spoof" of an event. Characters and events are usually related in such a way that makes fun of a serious event or situation. In this topic, you will explore the concept of satire as it relates to the novel Animal Farm.

Essential Questions

  • What is satire?
  • How does George Orwell use satire in Animal Farm?