Chapter 7
Before you read Chapter 7 of Animal Farm, review some unfamiliar vocabulary. In this interactivity, click on each of the tabs to view a term, its definition, its part of speech, and a sentence that uses the term. Click the player button to begin.
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Now, read Chapter 7 of Animal Farm. As you read this chapter, make sure to use the active reading strategies that you studied. As you read, consider how Snowball and his reputation are being attacked by Napoleon and Squealer. Once you have read this chapter, return to this page to learn more.
Chapter 7 Analysis
Chapter 7 tells of the harsh winter the animals face after the destruction of the windmill. The animals feel pressure from the outside world to make the windmill reconstruction successful. Food is scarce, so the pigs reduce the animals' rations again. Napoleon uses Mr. Whymper and Squealer to continue his policy of propaganda. He wants the outside world thinks everything is going well on Animal Farm. As things go wrong on the farm, Napoleon and the other pigs blame Snowball. They suggest that he has been sneaking into the farm at night. Napoleon and Squealer try to ruin Snowball’s reputation by suggesting that he had been working with Mr. Jones from the start. Napoleon executes four pigs who he believes to have betrayed him, and the rest of the animals on the farm deal with the aftermath. Napoleon forbids the singing of Beasts of England, and the song is replaced by an anthem to Animal Farm.
Chapter 8
Before you read Chapter 8 of Animal Farm, review some unfamiliar vocabulary. In this interactivity, click on each of the tabs to view a term, its definition, its part of speech, and a sentence that uses the term. Click the player button to begin.
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Now, read Chapter 8 of Animal Farm. As you read this chapter, make sure to use the active reading strategies that you studied. As you read consider what changes are happening around the farm. Once you have read this chapter, return to this page to learn more.
Chapter 8 Analysis
As the animals try to deal with the executions of the four pigs, they turn back to the Seven Commandments. The commandment that forbade the killing of other animals has been changed to state that 'No animal shall kill another animal without cause.' The animals continue to try and rebuild the windmill, though they see very little of Napoleon. Napoleon increases his business with humans outside of the farm, and accepts money in exchange for timber. Later, the animals discover that the banknotes that they received for the timber were forged. The humans come to attack the farm again, but the animals are again victorious. The pigs begin to drink the liquor they find in the house, though it makes them all very sick.
Characterization in Animal Farm
You already know quite a bit about identifying the different types of characters in a narrative work. Now, apply those different categories of characters to the creatures of Animal Farm. In this interactivity, click on each of the tabs to see examples of how characters from the novel can be classified. Click the player button to begin.
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Foil Characters
In Animal Farm, George Orwell uses two additional character types that you have not previously studied - the foil character and the guide mentor. A foil character is one who is in complete opposition to another, usually to highlight specific characteristics about a protagonist or antagonist. In Animal Farm, Snowball and Napoleon are foil characters. While Snowball is a careful planner with the farm's best interest at heart, Napoleon is reactionary and becomes increasingly self-centered. Take a few moments to think of some other ways in which Napoleon and Snowball are foil characters. Are there other foil characters on the farm, like Boxer and Mollie? He is relentless in his loyalty to Napoleon and Animal Farm, while she wants nothing to do with the life established on the farm after the Rebellion.
Characterization in Animal Farm Review
Now that you have studied characterization in Animal Farm, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read each statement and indicate whether it is True or False. Then, click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to get started.