Sound Devices

Sound Devices playerSound devices are so powerful that some poets use multiple types of them in one poem. Take a few moments to read “The Bells” by Edgar Allan Poe. The poem is linked in the Resources section in the upper right corner of the interactivity. After you read the poem, click on each of the tabs in the interactivity to learn more about the sound devices that Poe uses in the poem. Click the player button to begin.

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Repetition and Parallelism

Repetition refers to the repetition of words or phrases. It may be a word or phrase repeated in a line or stanza, or there may be an entire line repeated throughout a poem. In "The Bells," Poe repeats different types of words in each stanza of the poem. In the first stanza, the words bells and tinkles are repeated. In the second stanza, Poe continues the repetition of the word bells. In the third stanza, the words shriek and higher are repeated, along with bells. In the final stanza, Poe uses tolling, tolling, tolling to describe the noise of the bells. What you may notice is that as the poem proceeds from stanza to stanza, it takes on a darker feel. The words that are repeated go from a lighthearted tinkle to a heavier tolling, and the tone of the poem transitions from a celebration of bells to the misery they can cause.

One of the key structural pieces that helps make this transition is the parallel nature of the first line of each stanza. That line outlines for the reader what type of bell is discussed in the stanza, be it a sleigh bell, a wedding bell, an alarm bell, or the bells of a church or public building. Parallelism occurs when a poet uses similar phrases or structure in a poem. In this instance, Poe's use of "Hear the - - - bells -" provides a parallel structure throughout this longer poem.


Sound Devices Review

Sound Devices Review playerSelf-Check iconNow that you have examined the different types of sound devices that poets use, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read each definition and drag and drop the correct answer into the blank provided. Then, click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to get started.