In high schools across the country, students work together to create literary magazines, which are collections of student works arranged by theme, grade, and/or type of work. The students are responsible for creating everything included in the magazine, including the cover art, internal design, author biographies, and most importantly, the literary works. For this assignment, you will have a chance to work with your coursemates to develop a digital literary magazine centered around and including the research papers that you wrote in this module. Since the digital literary magazine will be developed collaboratively, the duties of putting it together are divided between three different teams.
Step 1: Pick Your Team
Your first step is to decide on which team you would like to work. In this interactivity, view the different responsibilities of each of the teams. Once you have selected a team, send an email to your instructor indicating your preference. Your instructor will then provide you with the names of your teammates. Click the player button to begin.
View a printable version of the interactivity.
Step 2: Put Together a Plan and Complete Your Assignment
This project will take cooperation and collaboration within your team. It will also require that you collaborate with other teams to put together a finished project. Once you have received confirmation from your instructor about joining a team, it is time to get started. In order to find out more about how to complete your team's tasks, click on the player button for the appropriate interactivity below. You should use this interactivity as the checklist for your team's part of the assignment.
Design Team | Formatting Team | Publication Team |
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As you complete your team's part of the literary magazine, refer back to the checklist interactivities above. These are the items on which 75% of your grade will be assessed. The other 25% will come from the collaboration information that you submit at the end of the process.
Step 3: Evaluate Your Team's Collaboration
Part of this assignment includes collaboration among your individual team, as well as the collaboration between teams. Once the Publication Team posts the final project, you will need to consider your teammates' level of collaboration throughout the project. To help advise your instructor's grade in this area, you should complete the Literary Magazine Collaboration Evaluation Form. On this spreadsheet, you should list the names of your teammates in the column on the left. You should then evaluate your peers' level of collaboration on a scale of 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest) by writing the appropriate number under each category shown at the top. A sample is provided for you. There is also a spot at the bottom of the document for you to share any further information that you think your instructor should know about the level of collaboration within your team.
You should be honest and fair in your evaluations on the Literary Magazine Collaboration Evaluation Form. Your peers will also complete a form for you. This is a document for your instructor, and it should not be shared with your coursemates.
Collaboration is a large part of the publishing process, whether the work in question is a high school literary magazine or a national periodical. In fact, collaborative projects are part of most professional careers. What parts of working as a collaborative team are easier than working as an individual? What are some challenges in working collaboratively on a project? In a digital document separate from your presentation, compose four to five sentences responding to these questions.
Once your team has completed your team's part of the digital literary magazine, the Literary Magazine Collaboration Evaluation Form, and you have completed your reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.