Research Writing Topic – Prewriting

student researchingGather together your research questions and your working thesis statement. You are now ready to conduct research on your selected historical figure. Combining the skills that you have learned in the MLA module with the knowledge you have gained in this topic, dedicate some time now to gathering information about your subject. Keep in mind that as you research, you should record your findings by creating note cards and source cards. You may also have to refine your thesis statement as you learn more information. If necessary, review the MLA module for more information on the following skills.

  • Using search engines and keyword searches
  • Evaluating websites
  • Note-taking, paraphrasing, and summarizing
  • Avoiding plagiarism

At the end of your research, you should have at least three reliable sources to support your thesis. Before you begin, review the Researching a Historical Person Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your research, please submit all of your prewriting notes, source cards, note cards, and thesis statement to the dropbox.