Research Writing Topic – Prewriting

think iconstudent thinkingWhen you hear the term famous people, who comes to mind? You might be thinking of famous actors, musical artists, vloggers, comedians, TV hosts, and other prominent figures in today's multimedia culture. However, take a moment to consider famous people who have made positive contributions to society or the world in general. If you were to choose a famous historical person to learn more about, who would interest you most? In this module, you will get to choose a famous person to research and write about. To help you choose a subject to research, take a few minutes now to list at least ten famous people who have made an indelible impact on the world.

notes iconAs you brainstorm a list of ten famous historical people, make sure to only include well known people who have contributed positively to the world. A good tip is to aim for prominent figures who are no longer living. If at least some time has passed between your chosen subject's lifetime and today, you have a better chance of finding an abundance of quality information regarding that person. After you have finished your list, save a copy of it so that you can refer back to it later in this topic.