Now that you have read Book IX of The Odyssey, consider the different events that Odysseus told to the Phaeacians. In this section of The Odyssey, Homer switches the point of view from the third-person omniscient to Odysseus's first-person point of view. For this assignment, you will select one of the different events below and rewrite it from another first-person point of view.
You may choose from the following events/points of view:
Event | Point of View |
The battle with the Cicons | A Cicons soldier |
Meeting the Lotus-eaters | A Lotus-eater |
The battle with Polyphemus | One of Odysseus's men |
The battle with Polyphemus | Polyphemus |
Your rewrite of the event should be at least 20-30 lines in length, and should cover the same material described in Odysseus's version of the story. Since flashback is important in Book IX, make sure to tell your version as if it occurred in the past. You will want to complete some prewriting activities before you create your rewrite so that you have gathered your thoughts. Before you begin, access the Homeric Rewrite Checklist so that you understand how your assignment will be graded.
Once you have completed your rewrite of The Odyssey, please submit your work to the dropbox.