Flashback and Point of View in the Odyssey

boy in classroomJournal iconOne of the facts that you already know about The Odyssey is that Odysseus spends twenty years away from home - ten of those years he is fighting in the Trojan War and the ten of the years he spends trying to get back to Ithaca and his family. Consider some of the important milestones that Odysseus would have missed in this time period.

What would you do if you were separated from your family and your friends for such a long time? How would you respond? How would you feel? What would you do? Take some time to think about these questions and create a journal entry in which you answer them. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7_home and submit it to the journal dropbox.