Homeric Epithet and Irony in the Odyssey

girl writing at a deskDo you remember the descriptions you wrote earlier about the five important people in your life?  Now, you are going to use those descriptions to show how much you know about Homeric epithets. For each of your descriptions, you will write a Homeric epithet that goes along with the personalities/characteristics of that person. Think carefully about the way Homer wrote his epithets, and model yours like his. If you need to, review the examples that were provided to you in this topic. Shown below are two Homeric epithets written about Cinderella:

Cleaning-scrubbing Cinderella
Cinderella the slipper-fitter

For each of your Homeric epithets, you will need to include an image. The image can be a photography or a clip art image, as long as you adhere to appropriate copyright guidelines.  Before you begin, access the Homeric Epithet Checklist so that you understand how your assignment will be graded.

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Once you have completed your Homeric epithets, please submit your work to the dropbox.