You already know that Homer used quite a bit of imagery in the Odyssey. He uses this imagery to describe places and events, but also people. For this Warm-Up activity, think about at least five people who are important in your life. In your journal, compose a one to two sentence description of these people that includes imagery related to their most defining characteristic. You may choose family members, friends, or people you know from school. For example, you may choose a close friend and describe her in this way:
Carla is kind-hearted and loyal. She makes me feel like I can always trust her.
Take some time to think about what really makes these people important in your life, and create a journal entry in which you describe them. This Warm-Up activity is important because you will use these descriptions later in this topic's Application. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.
Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7_description and submit it to the journal dropbox.