Grammar - Clauses

a student thinkingIt is important that you have the ability to identify and employ different types of clauses. In this topic, you examined different methods for combining independent clauses that are closely related. In addition, you also studied three types of dependent clauses and how they function as adjectives, adverbs, or nouns in a sentence.

To demonstrate your knowledge of independent and dependent clauses, you will use the Clauses Word Puzzles document to create six sentences using a variety of clauses. For each sentence, you will be provided with a word puzzle in the form of fragments of a sentence presented in a randomized order. Your task is to read the sentence fragments and rearrange them in a new order to create a sentence. You may use each sentence fragment only one time per sentence, but there is more than one possible sentence that you can put together. Make sure to read the instructions carefully because you may need to underline parts of your completed sentences. Remember to add commas to your sentences where necessary.

Before you begin, review the Clauses Word Puzzles Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

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Once you have completed your word puzzle exercises, please submit your work to the dropbox.