My Family
Arbre Généalogique
Create a graphic organizer of un arbre généalogique (a family tree), using the Arbre Généalogique Template. Your family tree can represent your life or the life of a fictional family. It can go as far back in your family's genealogy as you want, but should represent at least six family members.
The following elements should be included for each family member:
- Name
- Relationship to you
- Relationship to at least one other family member
- Age
- Hobby or interest
Vocabulary words from this topic should be in French and English. For example, when referencing your father, you could include the following information:
- Howard
- Père (Father)
- Fils de ma grand-mère (Son of my grandmother)
- Il a soixante-trois ans (He is sixty-three years old)
- Mon père aime faire de la natation (My father likes to go swimming)
After you have completed your arbre généalogique, create a podcast that describes your family as you have detailed in the template. Make sure you speak clearly, fluently, and with correct French pronunciations. Use the audio information found in the Developmental Module to help you create your podcast.
Before you begin, access the Arbre Généalogique Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
Once you have completed your arbre généalogique and podcast, please submit both items to the dropbox.