Course Glossary

Possessive Adjectives

Teen Interviewing Adult

You will now apply the material that you have learned in studying this topic by interviewing an adult member of your family. Find out as much as you can about this family member by asking the questions outlined in the Family Member Interview Questionnaire, which are also listed below. As the interview progresses, make sure to add a few of your own questions based on your individual situation.

If your adult relative does not speak French, you will need to translate the questions into English before asking them. Once you have completed your interview, write a report about it in French. Before you begin, take a look at the Family Member Interview Rubric to get an idea of how your your report will be graded.

Note that you will conduct the interview in the second person singular (tu), but write about it in the third person singular (il/elle). As such, pay particular attention to the form of the verbs and possessive adjectives that you use.

Family Member Interview Questionnaire

  1. Tu t’appelles comment?
  2. Quel est ton nom de famille?
  3. Quel est ton héritage?
  4. Tu es d’où?
  5. Quelle est ta nationalité?
  6. Tu as quel âge?
  7. Tu es comment?
  8. Tu es marié/mariée?
  9. Ton mari/ta femme s’appelle comment?
  10. Comment est ton mari/ta femme?
  11. Tu as des frères et des sœurs?
  12. Tu as combien de frères? Ils s’appellent comment? Ils ont quel âge? Ils sont comment?
  13. Tu as combien de sœurs? Elles s’appellent comment? Elles ont quel âge? Elles sont comment?
  14. Comment sont ton père et ta mère?
  15. Comment sont tes amis/amies?
  16. Tu as un animal domestique? C’est quel animal?
  17. Ton animal domestique s’appelle comment?
  18. Ton animal domestique est comment?
  19. Tu as des enfants? Ils/elles s’appellent comment? Ils/elles ont quel âge? Ils/elles sont comment?
  20. Tu as des petits-enfants? Ils/elles s’appellent comment? Ils/elles ont quel âge? Ils/elles sont comment?

Your report should resemble the rough example outline below.

Ma Mère

Ma mère s’appelle Catherine. Son nom de famille est Bernardi. Elle est de Chicago . Elle est américaine mais son héritage est italien. Elle a 41 ans...

AssignmentOnce you have completed your interview and written report, please submit your work to the dropbox.