
Map of CanadaLe vocabulaire nouveau

GlossaryBefore you begin learning about Canada and its French-speaking province Québec, take some time to familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary terms. These words and expressions will help you discuss the content covered in this topic. Click on the following vocabulary terms to hear how each one is pronounced. Repeat each word or expression after the speaker as many times as you need in order to learn the proper pronunciation.

French English
à cause de because of
après after
aussi also
Carnaval mardi gras
célèbre celebrate (verb), famous (adj)
dans le monde in the world
en particulier especially; in particular
en plus in addition
énorme enormous
extrêmement extremely
faire du canoë to go canoeing
fait référence au refers to
fameuses famous
francophone French-speaking
habitent live
je me souviens I remember
la devise motto
la deuxième ville francophone the second largest French-speaking city
la plus grande ville largest city
le hockey sur glace ice hockey
musée national des beaux arts du Québec National Museum of Fine Arts of Québec
par exemple for example
pendant during
prendre to take
Québec a French-speaking province of Canada
québécois an inhabitant of Québec; pertaining to Québec; dialect of French spoken in the Province of Québec
située located
tout le monde everyone
toutes all
un bonhomme de neige snowman
un fleuve a large river
une chanteuse female singer
une île an island


In this interactivity, you will learn about different aspects of the country of Canada. You will examine Canada's geography, history, government, language, culture, and eductation. You will also learn about a few of Canada's notable citizens. Click the player to begin.

View a printable version of the interactivity.

Cultural Reading

AudioIt is time to apply the French you have learned in this course by listening to a brief synopsis of the material covered in this topic. In this cultural reading, you should recognize several vrais amis. These context clues will help you better understand the meaning of the reading.

Listen to the Cultural Reading, and follow along with the printable version of the the audio. Then, listen to a second time, pausing the recording at regular intervals, and repeating after the speaker. Finally, listen to the reading again. This will better prepare you to answer the questions in the Topic Content Review that follows.


Canada Review

self-check iconCanada ReviewNow that you have finished learning about Canada and the Province Québec, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.