The Menu

Le nouveau vocabulaire

GlossaryBelow are some vocabulary terms related to food and meals. Take some time to familiarize yourself with these words. Practice your pronunciation by repeating each term aloud after the speaker, until you are able to pronounce the words without assistance. Click each vocabulary term to hear the pronunciation.

French English
la nourriture food
les boissons drinks
le petit déjeuner breakfast
le déjeuner lunch
le dîner dinner
le goûter snack
les plats main dishes/entrees
des céréales cereal
du pain bread
les repas meals

The Menu

The MenuIn this interactivity, you will examine a French menu. Click on each food and drink item to see its description in English and hear its pronunciation in French. You should practice these terms several times. You may return to this interactivity later if you need additional practice. Click the player to begin.

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Les Nombres 60 à 99

Les numéros 60 à 99Generally, when you think of a menu, food and drinks come to mind. However, it is important not to overlook another major aspect of menus: the price. In this interactivity, you will expand your number vocabulary from 60-99. This will help you discuss the cost of different food and drink items. Visit the Developmental Module for a chart referencing the French words for numbers 1-99. Click the player to begin.

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The Culture of Food in France

The Culture of Food in FranceIn this interactivity, you will explore some of the unique aspects of France's culture of food. You will take a look at a few traditional meals and compare them with traditional American foods. You will also learn some valuable information that will help you when you visit a French-speaking restaurant. Click the player to begin.

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Find the Food

Find the FoodTake a moment to complete this brief interactive game about vocabulary covered in this topic. You will be asked to identify different types of food based on an audio recording. Listen to the narrator and select the food or drink being named. Click the player to begin.

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The Menu Review

self-check iconThe Menu ReviewNow that you have discovered the culture of food in France, and have learned how to read the menu of a French restaurant, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.