Course Glossary

Going to Town and the Pronoun On

All About Town

mapping iconIn the Getting Started activity for this module, you created a map of your neighborhood or city, and then labeled important places in English. Now you have the necessary tools to label your map in French. For this application, modify your map so that at least ten places are properly labeled in French and English.

Options to create your map include the following:

  1. Create your map by hand, and then take a picture of it for submission into the assignment's dropbox.
  2. Create your map by hand, and then scan it for submission into the assignment's dropbox.
  3. Use a paint, graphics, word processing, or other type of software to design your map, and then submit it into the assignment's dropbox.

Before you begin, access the La Carte De Ma Ville Checklist to make sure you include all items required for full credit.

assignment icon
Once you have completed your map, please submit it to the dropbox.