Going to Town and the Pronoun On

En Ville

You can find various buildings in a Francophone town. Familiarize yourself with the names of buildings below. With what you already know about French pronunciations, try to correctly say the name of each word on your own. Then, check yourself by listening to the speaker, and then repeating each word aloud. Click each word to hear the pronunciation.

French English
un café a coffee shop
un centre commercial a mall
un cinéma a movie theater
un hôpital a hospital
un hôtel a hotel
un magasin a store
un musée a museum
un parc a park
un restaurant a restaurant
un stade a stadium
un théâtre a theater (for plays)
une bibliothèque a library
une école a school
une église a church
une gare a train station
une piscine a pool
une plage a beach

Les Modes de Transport

When you are in a foreign country, you will need to travel around using various types of transportation. With what you already know about French pronunciations, try to correctly say the name of each word on your own. Then, check yourself by listening to the speaker, and then repeating each word aloud. Click each word to hear the pronunciation.

French English
à pied on foot
en bus by bus
en métro by metro
en moto by motorcycle
en scooter by scooter
en train by train
en vélo by bike
en voiture by car

On y va!

The Pronoun OnThroughout this course, you have conjugated several verbs. You also know the subject pronouns of je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, and elles. Another important pronoun is on, which means one or we. The letter 'n' in on makes a nasal sound at the end - like you are saying an 'n' in English, but have a cold. In this interactivity, you will explore more information about the pronoun on. Click the player to begin.

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Going to Town and the Pronoun On Review

self-check iconGoing to Town and the Pronoun OnNow that you have learned a little about meeting and greeting others, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.