Course Glossary

What Do You Want to Eat?

female teen laughing while wearing headphonespodcast iconImagine you are a comedian who has a weekly podcast. This week, you have a skit about a funny restaurant experience. In the skit, describe an encounter you have with a waiter as you try to explain the meal you want to order.

For this application, you will need to write the script and record the podcast. The skit must be in French and last between two-to-four minutes. In addition, include vocabulary for a meat, a vegetable, two sides, a drink, and a dessert. Also, incorporate the correct use of vouloir and pouvior. Make sure you speak clearly, fluently, and with correct French pronunciations. Use the audio information found in the Developmental Module to help you create your audio recording of the comedy skit. Finally, make sure you are creative!

Before you begin, access the Comedy Skit Checklist to make sure you include all of the items required for full credit.

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Once you have completed your script and podcast, please submit your work to the dropbox.