The Present Tense of Regular -ir Verbs

Le vocabulaire nouveau

GlossaryThe vocabulary in this topic consists of several regular -ir verbs. You will be conjugating these verbs later, so take some time to practice these terms until you are comfortable pronouncing them without the narrator.

French English
grandir to grow
grossir to gain weight
maigrir to lose weight
réfléchir (à) to think over, consider
réussir (à) to succeed, to pass (a test)
rougir to blush
choisir to choose
finir to finish

GrammarLook at the vocabulary above, specifically the verbs réfléchir à and réussir à. You may have noticed that they each have à after them. The à is not actually a part of these verbs; however, you need to include the à whenever you use these verbs.

Conjugating Regular -ir VerbsConjugating Regular -ir Verbs

In this activity, you will learn how to conjugate regular -ir verbs. The rules of grammar covered in this activity apply to all of the terms introduced in this topic. This means you will be adding eight new verbs to your personal French vocabulary. Click the player to begin.

View a printable version of the activity.


The Present Tense of Regular -ir Verbs Review

self-check iconThe Present Tense of Regular -ir Verbs ReviewNow that you have studied regular -ir verbs and learned how to conjugate them, it is time to review. This non-graded interactivity consists of a fill-in-the-blank portion and a matching portion. You will be able to review your answers after you submit them. Click the player to begin.