The Present Tense of Regular -ir Verbs

NotesSkierPreviously, you learned two new verbs: faire (to play, to make, to do) and jouer (to play). You also learned several activities that you could talk about; some of those activities use the word faire, and some use the word jouer. Divide a piece of paper in half to make two columns. Label one column faire and the other column jouer. Put the following activities under the verb it uses:

  • de la natation
  • du ski
  • au basket
  • aux cartes
  • du vélo
  • aux jeux vidéos
  • du jogging
  • au tennis
  • au golf
  • de la photo
  • au football
  • au hockey

After completing this warm-up, take a look at your lists. What do you notice about the activities in each list? Write down your observations and see what your classmates write. Do they have something you do not? What do you think about their choices?