Construction Tutoring
During this module, you learned about the different types of constructions. Did you find any of the constructions challenging? How would you teach someone else challenging content? For this assignment, you will design a tutoring session that focuses on one of the constructions that you learned about in this module.
To begin designing your tutoring session, select one of the following methods:
- Constructing a line segment congruent to a given line segment
- Constructing a perpendicular bisector of a line segment
- Constructing a perpendicular to a given line from a point not on the line
- Constructing a perpendicular to a given line from a point on the line
- Constructing an angle bisector
- Constructing a congruent angle to a given angle
- Constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line
- Constructing an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle
- Constructing a square inscribed in a circle
- Constructing a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle
Then, design your tutoring session using the Construction Tutoring Design Template. The problems you include in your tutoring session must be different from the problems that were presented throughout the module. Before you begin, review the Construction Tutoring Design Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
After completing this assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.