Have you ever seen a nice looking car just sitting in a garage, not being driven? Sure, that car may not get dirty or get any scratches or dents, but is that what a car was made for? Your body was also made to move. Why sit on the couch or in front of a screen all the time when your body really wants to get up and get going? Choosing to do little to no physical activity on a daily basis leads to a sedentary lifestyle.
There are definitely reasons not to lead such a sedentary lifestyle. Being active helps you avoid health risks like premature death, many physical diseases, mental illnesses, and even unintentional injuries. It can have an impact on your wallet as well, because you have to pay to treat many conditions to which a sedentary lifestyle contributes. In 2000, it was estimated that Americans spent $79.6 billion on problems associated with sedentary lifestyles.
You should make it a point to prioritize your physical health -- that means you must make physical activity a priority. There are ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. For instance, opt for a parking place farther away from your destination or, better yet, walk or bike instead of drive. Offer to do chores that require physical activity, including mowing the lawn, raking, cleaning, and washing the car. Wake up early, or find time periods in your daily routine when you can exercise. Even if it is in ten-minute segments, you can exercise multiple times for shorter periods throughout the day to fit in a good amount of physical activity. It may help to find an exercise partner to keep you motivated. Whatever you do, find physical activities that interest you and stick with them for a few weeks so that they become habits and part of your active lifestyle.
There are many physical benefits to physical activity, such as increased cardiovascular health, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility, and weight management. Did you know that an active lifestyle can help your body from the inside as well?
Physical Activity Models Specification Guide
Endorphins are the "feel-good" hormones released during physical activity. In addition to releasing endorphins, physical activity can help you manage stress. This affects your overall mental and emotional well-being. Take a moment to view this interactivity in order to learn more about the two models of lifestyles -- active and sedentary -- and what each has to offer. Click the player button to begin
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How the Body Functions When It Is Active vs. Sedentary Review
Now that you have learned about active and sedentary lifestyles, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.