How the Body Functions When It Is Active vs. Sedentary

old woman and young woman looking in the mirrorFor this application assignment, create two health timelines of your life. In the first timeline, list five possible health milestones that you will reach if you lead an active life. In the second timeline, list five possible health milestones if you lead a sedentary life.

Specifically, health milestones should reference physical or emotional changes that might happen to you if you are active versus sedentary at age twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, and sixty. Include at least eight of the below terms, and be sure to write one-to-two sentences about each milestone.

  • Endocrine system
  • Blood sugar
  • Weight
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • White blood cells
  • Muscles
  • Metabolism
  • Brain
  • Asthma
  • Bone density
  • Osteoporosis

Before you begin, access the Health Timelines Checklist to be sure you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Options to create your timelines include the following:

  1. Hand-draw your timelines and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment's dropbox.
  2. Hand-draw your timelines and then scan it for submission to the assignment's dropbox.
  3. Utilize a paint, presentation, graphics, or word processing program to create the timelines. You can then submit your work to the assignment's dropbox.
  4. Create your timelines using an application or web-based program. You can then submit your work to the assignment's dropbox.

Once you have completed your health timelines, please submit your work to the dropbox.