Knowing When to Accelerate or Brake: Healthy vs. Harmful Relationships

Brake LightImagine that Deon comes home from school, his mom greets him with a hug and then hands him a plate of chicken nuggets so he can refuel after a long soccer practice. Now, imagine that Mike lives three doors down from Deon, but comes home to an empty house filled with cigarette butts, liquor bottles, and dirty clothes. Do you think Deon or Mike has a healthier relationship with his family?

In this topic, you will explore different types of relationships. You will also compare what defines healthy and unhealthy relationships. In addition, you will become equipped with information about who can help if you or someone you know is part of an unhealthy relationship.

Essential Questions

  • What characteristics make up a healthy relationship?
  • What characteristics make up an unhealthy relationship?
  • What are some resources that promote healthy relationships and assist with unhealthy relationships?