When you work out, you will encounter many types of people and find yourself in many different settings. Therefore, you must always remain respectful. You can do this by using soft and calm tones when communicating with individuals, being polite when approaching others, and making suggestions that are fair. Although you can alleviate stress by using these strategies, you may still encounter challenges and dangers while working out. These may include communication issues, equipment availability, or lack of sufficient space. Fortunately, you now have the skills necessary to overcome challenges during physical activities, as well as motivate others to achieve their fitness goals.
Extend Your Learning
In this topic, you learned the importance of cultural diversity in physical health and fitness settings. Next time you attend a sporting event, go to the gym, or participate in a group physical activity, create a Venn Diagram that details the similarities and differences between yourself and somone from a different cultural group who is also in attendance. What are the consequences of not being tolerant of other cultures in physical activity settings?