Keep Your Machine Rolling: Weight-Training and Your Muscles

female doing a pushup

activity iconFor this application assignment, you will complete another Weight-Training Workout. When you do the resistance training, take the workout to the gym or other facility, such as your school or even your house. You can use your planning skills to set a time and place, and maybe ask a friend to join you in these exercises. Read over the workout guide, and prepare to do it three times this week, but do not weight train the same muscle group on consecutive days. Your muscles need time to heal and grow. 

Remember to stretch before the workout to prepare your muscles, and after the workout to prepare your muscles for relaxation. During each exercise, you are to maintain your target heart rate. Please refer to the Fitness Log Information link and the Measuring Your Heart Rate link in the Developmental Module for directions, download the Fitness Log to your computer, and have it accessible throughout the week.

Make sure you have completed the entire fitness log, including:

  • Course Information (Module # and Topic #)
  • Heart Rate Information
  • Activity Reflection
  • Activity Log
  • Any Additional Comments

If you use an exercise tracking device or system like a gaming console, watch, wristband, pedometer, mobile application, or a software program, make sure that you are saving the information from each workout.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your fitness log, save the file and submit it to the dropbox. You will also need to save a copy of it for your fitness journal that you will submit at the end of this course.