Imagine that your parents drop you off at your friend Anna’s house. Her parents are not home, and Anna begins drinking her dad’s beer. She continues to drink five beers in the two hours you are at her house. You decline to drink any beer, but now Anna wants to drive to the movies to meet up with some friends. You tell her that because she has been drinking, she should not drive. You also attempt to take her keys away from her, but she finds them. Anna leaves the house and drives off.
Anna needs your help. After reading the scenario above, use your knowledge about the effects of alcohol and drinking and driving to create a letter or email with advice for your friend. Your note should be at least eight-to-ten sentences long and should not only explore the causes and effects of using alcohol, but also the consequences of drinking and driving. You should provide suggestions on how your friend can deal with the problem.
Your letter should be well-organized, personalized, and sensitive to your friend's feelings. Before you begin, access the Drinking and Driving Letter Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to conduct research for statistics or other information to include in your note, and you will need to properly cite any external resources that you use in a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.
Once you complete your letter, please submit your work to the dropbox.