Violence is defined as the unwarranted exertion of force or power over someone else. It is something that may be prevented with education and providing awareness. To help prevent violence, limit exposure to events, activities, and media that glamorize it. Also avoid guns and other weapons. Alcohol and drugs can intensify emotions and reactions; therefore, avoiding these substances can also help prevent violence.
Violence affects personal, family, and community health. It can cause fear, stress, injury, and financial loss, and it can have other negative effects directly and indirectly on a person or group of people. Even if violence does not occur in your household, if it happens on your street, you may be negatively affected. For example, violence may make community members feel unsafe. People are thus less likely to spend time outdoors, which also hinders them from developing close relationships with each other.
In this interactivity, you will explore many types of violence, ranging from physical abuse to emotional injuries. As you learn about various types of violence, think about how violence can affect you and other people in your life. Click the player button to begin.
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Some youth who feel they want to belong to a group, or who want to feel protected, might turn to gangs for support. In actuality, the United States Department of Justice states that people who are involved in gangs are more likely to become involved in delinquent behavior, including drugs and violence. Gangs have a certain set of rules within their groups by which all members must abide. Often, gang members are forced to commit crimes, and are beaten by other gang members during initiation and as punishment. Female members also experience such beatings, and can be forced to perform sexual acts.
Gangs are defined as groups that identify themselves by name, and that often claim a certain geographic area, language, hand signals, and even appearance. You may have heard of gangs that wear a certain color, accessories, sports team, or symbol, or that throw certain hand signs. Some gangs have their own slogans, markings, or sayings.
Gangs pose a risk to a community's safety and to your personal health because of the prevalence of violence and criminal activity. Often gangs display antisocial behavior, and commit crimes that disrupt the community and others’ lives. Gangs also have a history of criminal weapons use. While not everyone who owns a weapon, such as a knife or gun, is a criminal, there are people who gain access to weapons for criminal use. Gangs use intimidation and fear for power over others outside and within their groups, and often weapons are used for this.
If you or someone you know is a victim of violence, self-injury, or gang activity, seek help immediately from an adult or school counselor. Calling a crisis hotline is another way you can get help. Visit the National Health Information Center for a list of toll-free numbers of organizations that offer health-related information, education, and support over the phone. You may save a life.
It is important to know how to protect yourself against violence in case you get in a confrontation with another person. Self-defense is the act of protecting yourself by using preventative tactics or physical force. Using force to defend yourself is not always the best solution for a conflict, because violence can often create more violence. It is always best to try to walk away from confrontation, but sometimes you must deal with unwanted violence, or even an attack. In this interactivity, you will explore methods of self-defense. Click the player button to begin.
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Reacting to Violence Review
Now that you have examined different types of violence and how to protect yourself, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.