Automobile Insurance: Crisis Management

Preventing Intentional and Unintentional Injuries

Preventing Intentional and Unintentional InjuriesInjuries are the leading cause of death in people between the ages of one and forty-four. They happen because of behavioral, physical, structural, environmental, and social factors. Injuries do not occur at random. In fact, there are many risk factors to injuries that you can identify and ultimately use to help you prevent them. In this interactivity, you will examine strategies to prevent injuries. Click the player button to begin.

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Crisis Management

Crisis ManagementCrisis management strategies are designed to help deal with sudden disastrous events that pose a threat to the health, safety, or security of a community. A crisis may include an earthquake, hurricane, or other natural disaster that damages structures or lives. While the crises just described are natural hazards, crises can also be technologically or societally oriented, and may include acts of violence. The negative consequences of a crisis could last for weeks or even years. Click the player button to begin.

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Crisis Management Review

Self-CheckContent PracticeNow that you have learned about injury prevention and crisis management, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.