The development of yoga can be traced back 5,000 years. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit, which is an ancient language that was spoken in India thousands of years ago. Yoga means “unite the mind, body, and spirit." Today, the yoga lifestyle fulfills that definition by offering a holistic approach to wellness. The physical part of yoga is termed “hatha yoga,” and the poses are call “asanas.” Asanas bring strength, flexibility, stamina, and balance to the body. There are several styles of hatha yoga, each having its own method and goal related to the physical component of yoga.
There are different ways you could get started in yoga. For examples, many studios and gyms located around the country offer yoga. Most yoga classes are typically group oriented, but you can hire an instructor for private lessons. If accessibility is a problem for you, there are many websites, DVDs, and books designed to help you learn the practice. Once you have decided how you are going to learn, you are ready to purchase any necessary equipment. Most yoga studios have mats and props, such as a yoga block, for you to borrow. No special shoes are needed since yoga is practiced in bare feet. Be sure to wear comfortable, stretchy clothing in order to move freely.
As with any activity, appropriate behavior is important. Focus on the movements and breathing that the instructor explains, and do not worry if you or someone next to you lacks the experience or flexibility of someone else. That will come with practice. Perform each pose with precision and care as to not harm yourself.
In this interactivity, you will have the opportunity to learn about some different yoga poses. Be sure to watch each video, and practice the poses. To learn these poses, you will need to view each video several times. Click the player button to begin.
Yoga also incorporates the mental and spiritual aspects of wellness. Meditation is defined as contemplation or reflection. Many people incorrectly link meditation solely to religious purposes, when in fact, reflection can be used for anything in your life on which you would like to focus.
Meditation can even alter the brain’s structure. Meditation is also capable of slowing the aging process and delaying age-related deterioration. Specific regions of the brain that manage attention, sensory processes, and sensitivity to stimulation all have showed improvement through brain imaging based on meditation. A study conducted by Sara Lazar, PhD of Harvard Medical School's Massachusetts General Hospital, showed that the cerebral cortex, the region known for decision making, memory, and brain-body interaction, was thicker in the people who meditated compared with those who did not.
Those who practice yoga say it significantly reduces stress because it promotes relaxation. Relaxation is one method used to control stress. Each time you practice yoga, you are practicing your ability to remain calm, focused, balanced, and relaxed. These are all important components of stress management.
Stress is physically noticeable in the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and back. Specifically, those muscles are the first to tense up when stressors are present. Yoga poses are held to relax some muscles and strengthen others, in order to alleviate the strain placed on them during stressful times. You also practice a breathing technique while holding poses. Each movement in yoga parallels with a breath. Timely breathing increases the oxygen delivered to the muscles and brain so they function efficiently. In fact, oxygen allows muscles to gain strength and endurance. Abundant oxygen to the brain allows it to better release the troubling stressors and relax. Even when you are not practicing yoga, remember to breathe deeply and in a controlled manner to help calm yourself.
In this interactivity, you will be introduced to more yoga poses. Make sure to watch each video, and practice the poses. To learn these poses properly, you will need to view each video several times. Click the player button to begin.
Mind, Body, and Spirit Review
Now that you have learned about yoga, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.