Can you think of five things you fear most? How about five situations that make you angry? When are you bored? What makes you stress? What makes you worry?
In your journal, make a chart similar to the one below, and give five examples of the emotions you have experienced.
Fear | Anger | Boredom | Stress | Worry |
Can you think of five situations that make you feel a positive emotion? When are you most thankful? What makes you feel brave? How do you feel when you see someone else experiencing the same situation you have experienced? What grabs your interest?
In your journal, make a chart similar to the one below, and give five examples of the emotions you have experienced.
Thankfulness | Bravery | Love | Empathy | Interest |
If you need assistance writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.
Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7_emotions and submit it to the journal dropbox.