Road Trip: Family Health Habits

Multiple generations of a happy family
Family Health and Habits

Think of the families that live near you. Are they exactly the same? While everyone has a different, very personal connotation for the word family, generically, it is defined as the most elementary social entity existing within society. Traditionally, families contain at least one parent and one child. Your family, though, may be quite different.

You and your family operate as a complex structure, working together, and having a considerable effect on one another. Your family undoubtedly has a significant impact on your daily life and routines. Something as simple as personal eating habits may form from a ritual such as eating dinner with your family each night or snacking on the groceries that are tucked away in your refrigerator. Is yours a family of health-conscious eaters, or is your family more inclined to enjoy sweets and junk food? Does your family spend time being active, or does your family spend many hours in front of the television or computer?

Family members can act as role models to advance each other’s overall health and wellness. It is important to give and receive support and positive feedback. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the first step you can take in becoming a role model to your family members. In contrast, if you do not support your family in making healthy choices, you could become a negative role model. In this interactivity, you will examine some healthy habits you and your family can focus on. Click the player button to begin.

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Mother and daughter taking a selfie in the gym
Healthy Lifestyle Plan

Living a healthy lifestyle can help you and your family prevent disease and other sicknesses. Because parents or guardians support your family financially, their decisions provide you with a particular lifestyle. For example, since your parents likely buy food for the household, they mostly determine what groceries end up in your kitchen. They also largely decide on gym and community memberships, purchasing bicycles and other sports equipment, and the outings you take as a family. You can help make healthy decisions by offering suggestions, and even help earn money to purchase healthy food and activity options. Remember, however, many healthy options, like walking, are free.

Healthy Lifestyle PlanFamilies may have a history of diseases such as breast cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. By looking at your family’s history, you can see what you may be at risk for in the future, and consequently, you should set health goals for your family that will help reduce these risks. Whether your family needs a complete overhaul, or some touch ups, starting with small goals will prove an easier adjustment. In this interactivity, you will learn how to make and follow a healthy plan for you and your family. Click the player button to begin.

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Family Health Habits Review

Self-CheckNow that you have finished learning about family health habits, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.