Road Trip: Family Health Habits

Large family sharing a meal together
You are an important part of your family's health and wellness plan. For this assignment, think about an area of health and wellness in which your family can improve. Then pick a goal that is specific to your family’s health needs. Decide what will motivate, enable, and reinforce your family to want to make a change. When you finish this assignment, you will have a plan that you can bring to your family, and goals toward which your family can work. Use the guidelines below to create your family's health goal:

  • In one-to-two sentences, specify one clear goal that will contribute to better health and wellness for your family. Choose a goal that relates to one of the seven behaviors that promote overall health and wellness you learned about in this topic.
  • In two-to-three sentences, describe what will motivate, enable, and reinforce you and your family in reaching your goal.
  • Write two-to-three sentences stating why you chose the goal for your family and how it will better your lives as a result. Be sure to support your reasons with information from the content.

Before you begin, access the Family Health Goals Checklist to make sure you include all of the items required for full credit.

AssignmentOnce you have completed your family health goal information, please submit your work to the dropbox.