Do you realize how many decisions you make in a day? Think about what you have to decide just in the first few moments you wake up:
If you walk through a pharmacy, department store, or grocery store, you will see various health products available for you to purchase. For example, the shelves are lined with bottles of shampoo, tubes of toothpaste, bottles of sports drinks, over-the-counter medications, jars of lotion and creams, just to name a few items. As a health consumer, a person who uses health products or services, you make simple decisions about what to purchase and what to use.
Making Healthy Choices
When you make decisions, you draw from past experiences as well as values and morals. Some decisions are easy, while some are difficult and may cause you stress. Whether you are making decisions about your future, decisions about the way you dress, or decisions about your health, you should always consider the consequences, use good judgment, seek advice if necessary, and take responsibility for your actions. It is also important to make decisions that are healthy and have the least negative consequence. In this interactivity, you will learn how to make the best decisions for yourself and your life. Click the player button to begin.
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The Decision-Making Process Review
Now that you have learned about the decision-making process, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.