School Health Interview
For this Application assignment, you will learn more about your own school's level of health by interviewing one of the following five individuals from your school: a custodian, a Health and P.E. teacher, the cafeteria manager, a guidance counselor, or a school nurse. In order to learn how he or she contributes to the overall level of health in the school, your interview should include at a minimum the following four questions.
Feel free to include additional questions or expand on your discussion with your selected interviewee. After you have completed your interview, remember to thank your interviewee for his or her time. Then, report your findings by composing a blog that describes your interview experience and reflects on what you learned about your school's health. Before you begin, review the School Health Interview Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
Once you have completed your blog post about your school health interview, please submit your work to the dropbox.