Preparing for Disasters and Disaster Relief

An emergency prepardness checklist and a penEmergency Preparedness

Throughout this topic, you have learned ways to prepare for natural disasters and house fires. Using what you have learned, you need to research and develop your own plans that detail how you will prepare and react to three different natural disasters and a house fire.

Your plan for each event should include the following information:

  • Preparation: Can you prepare anything prior to the disaster or emergency situation? What items will you need to include in your emergency kit to help you make it through a disaster and the days following it?
  • Emergency Plan: Do you have a meeting place for everyone who lives in your home in case you have to evacuate? How are you going to stay informed if you lose electricity? How will you communicate with other members of your family who might not be at home? How will you communicate to extended family members or friends who are not located in the same area? Do you have everyone’s phone number easily accessible?
  • During:What do you need to do during the natural disaster or emergency situation? Do you need to stay away from windows? Do you need to go into a safe room? How do you react if you are caught outside?

To complete this assignment, download and fill out each section of the Emergency Preparedness Template. If resources outside of this course are used to complete this assignment, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Assignment IconOnce you have completed the Emergency Preparedness Template, please submit your work to the dropbox.