Preparing for Disasters and Disaster Relief

Preparing for Emergencies and Natural Disasters

Preparing for Emergencies and Natural DisastersNatural disasters are sudden environmental events that have catastrophic consequences, such as loss of life and property damage. Natural disasters include earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, thunderstorms, winter storms, and forest fires. While not considered a natural disaster, house fires are emergency situations that must be planned for. Knowing how to react in a house fire can save your life. In this interactivity, learn how to prepare for emergency situations and natural disasters prior to, during, and after the event occurs. Click the player button to begin.

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Disaster Resources

Being prepared in the event of a natural disaster is important. There are plenty of resources available that detail the steps to take in every type of natural disaster. Take a moment to review the links below and find out what you will need to do in events that were not investigated in this topic’s content, such as volcanic eruptions, pandemics, and many more.

The American Red Cross

American Red CrossThe American Red Cross® is an organization that offers humanitarian care to those in need. Humanitarian means having concern for or helping improve the well-being and happiness of people. In this interactivity, learn how the American Red Cross® promotes community health and wellness during a time of natural disaster, and learn what you can do to help in your local community. Click the player button to begin.

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Preparing for Disasters and Disaster Relief Review

Now that you have learned how to prepare for disasters and emergency situations, check your knowledge by completing this non-graded interactivity. Click the player button to get started.