The Formation of the Oceans

video iconReview the formation of the oceans by watching two brief video segments of the Global Ocean Realm from Discovery Education™ streaming.

After watching both video segments, think carefully about what you already know about the changing oceans from your classes, reputable scientific sources, and recent events in the news. Then, answer the following two questions:

  • The second video segment mentions Global Warming as one of the major causes of ocean changes. What additional factors do you think may contribute to changes in the oceans?
  • Now, consider where you live. How might changes to the oceans affect your geographic area and your local community?

discussion iconPost your answers to the discussion board and be sure to include examples that support your opinion. Return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates' posts. Reply to at least two of them, being sure to ask questions, and encourage further conversation.