The Phoenician, Egyptian, and Greek Oceanography

boat imageOceanography Boat Challenge

Now that you know why ancient people built their sea-going vessels, do you think you can construct a working model of one of their vessels?

In this activity, your challenge is to develop an understanding of the accomplishments of ancient people in their early sea-going vessels. To do this, you'll use readily available materials to design a small working model of an ancient vessel.

Part 1: Choose the Ancient Culture and Vessel

URL iconYou can start learning more about how ancient people built their vessels by visiting these two websites. Of course, you should feel free to visit other websites for more ideas as appropriate.

Study the vessels used by the ancient Egyptians, Polynesians, Phoenicians, and Greeks. Choose a culture and one of their vessels. Consider the following questions to help you choose an ancient culture and a vessel:

  • What readily-available materials did they use to build their vessel?
  • What methods did they use to build the vessel?
  • What were the inherent strengths and weaknesses of their vessel construction methods and materials?
  • How did they decorate the vessel?
  • For what purpose(s) did they use the vessel?.

Part 2: Sketch Your Model

Create a sketch of your model vessel based on the images you found. Be sure to include any decorations likely found on the vessel appropriate to the culture. While you're sketching, remember that your model must float.

assignment iconWhen you created your drawing, submit it to the dropbox. Be sure that you've clearly labeled the vessel and the culture that it represents. You may visit the "Submitting Documents" link in the Developmental Module for ideas on how to create and turn in your drawing.

OPTIONAL: If you'd like to build your model, here are the steps that you can follow.

Part 3: Build Your Model

You may use any readily-available materials to construct your model.

Ideas for potential construction materials include paper-mâché, cardboard, paper bags, balloons, Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, drinking straws, glue, tape, wire, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and fabric.

Work slowly and carefully, paying close attention to weak points in your construction as well as filling any gaps and holes so your model doesn't sink! Decorate your model using the construction materials, as well as as paint, markers, or other coloring instruments you believe suitable.

Part 4: Test Your Model

The moment of truth! Grab your camera or video recorder, and then locate a tub or container large enough to contain your vessel. Fill it with enough water to allow your vessel to float. Carefully lower your vessel into the water. Watch closely for any sudden leaks that you can patch immediately. Once you're confident that your model floats, go ahead and take a few pictures or video record your model in the water. Feel free to upload your pictures to the dropbox.