The Phoenician, Egyptian, and Greek Oceanography

Polynesian Priests

Polynesian Priests

The Polynesian Islands consist of over 1,000 islands located all around the Pacific Ocean. Some of these islands you may know: Hawaii and New Zealand, for example, while others you may not, including Samoa, the Cook Islands, and Tonga, just to name a few.

Interestingly, scientists and historians have yet to find conclusive evidence about the original inhabitants of the islands who settled them about 2,000 years ago.

URL iconHere's some of what we do know about the Polynesians. Take a few minutes to review the two websites below.

think iconWhile you're reading, think about the following two questions:

    • Why do you think the Polynesians ventured so far away from their ancestral homes?
    • What can today's oceanographers and explorers learn from studying the Polynesian voyages?