A satellite image of the Lena River Delta. This
false-color composite image
was made using shortwave infrared, infrared, and red wavelengths
If you could travel to the bottom of the ocean, you would find that much of the ocean floor is covered by sediment, which is material that has been broken down by some process into smaller pieces. While it may sound worthless, this sediment is important because it can tell us about the Earth's geologic past, as well as provide clues to where we can find important resources, such as oil.
Where did all this sediment come from? Most of it comes from the forces of weathering and erosion on the land around us. Eventually, this sediment comes to rest on the ocean floor where it will remain for millions of years. Sediments come from other sources as well, including the debris from the shells of once living creatures, volcanoes, chemical processes, and can even from outer space!
Essential Questions