Horizontal Projectiles

Horizontal Projectiles

Horizontal Projectiles InteractivityOne special case of projectile motion involves horizontal projectiles.  These are objects that are launched horizontally from some height and are acted on by gravity as they fall towards the ground. The motion in the horizontal, or x-direction is independent from the motion in the vertical, or y-direction, so we can analyze them separately. We will ignore the effects of air resistance. Let’s see what this special case does to our analysis of vertical and horizontal motion. You will now explore several examples of horizontal projectile motion to develop an understanding of how to analyze these problems.  Pay careful attention to the technique, and be sure to consistently organize your work. Click the player to begin.

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Projectiles Practice

Projectiles Practice InteractivityNow it is your turn to work through several horizontal projectile problems in order to apply what you have learned.  Remember to keep your work well organized. Work through each problem, then type your answer in the blank provided. Click submit after entering your answer. Click the player to get started.

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