Uniform Circular Motion
To understand and expand on your warm-up activity, explore the following lesson on circular motion that introduces the concepts and deals with motion in horizontal circles. Then, you will explore the motion of objects moving in vertical circles, which requires you to apply what you know about free body diagrams to these interesting situations. Click the player to begin.
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Motion in Vertical Circles
Have you ever taken a bucket of water and swung it upside down without the water falling out? Have you ever ridden in a rollercoaster that brought you upside-down in a loop? Have you ever driven a little too fast over the peak of a hill and felt yourself almost leave your seat? Have you ever gone to the playground and swung on the swings? Each of these situations can be analyzed in part as vertical circles.
Circular Motion Practice
These practice problems will help you to apply your skills in analyzing motion in both horizontal and vertical circles. Remember to keep your work well organized. Be sure to try each problem on your own prior to checking each solution.
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