Social Thinking - Attitudes and Actions
Why are you more likely to laugh out loud in a crowded movie theater than when you are watching the the same movie at home by yourself? Why might a person from one culture be offended if you asked a personal question, while another person would find it quite normal, or even endearing? Social psychology seeks to understand how individuals think and act differently based on the social context.
Humans are social creatures, and have few thoughts or actions that are completely free from the influence of others. In this first topic on social psychology, you will examine the basic components of social thinking. These include the instant, and often unconscious, ways you think about yourself and others, and your relationships with one another. Next, you will examine connections between attitudes and behaviors, and how each can influence the other. Lastly, you will examine some of the different techniques you can employ to cause people to change their attitudes. This is not always an easy task!
Essential Questions
- What are attribution styles and how can they lead to judgment errors regarding the behaviors of others and yourself?
- How do attitudes and behaviors affect one another?
- What are some persuasive techniques for changing the attitudes of others?