Smell, Taste, Touch, and Other Senses

Murnau, Dorfstrasse (A Village Street) by Wassily Kandinsky, 1908

Wassily Kandinsky, an artist born in Russia, once described his experience during an opera performance by saying,

"I saw all my colours in spirit, before my eyes. Wild, almost crazy lines were sketched in front of me."

What do you think Kandinsky meant when he described the opera?

digital repository iconWhen you listen to a sound or see a letter, does it trigger anything beyond the senses of hearing or sight? About three percent of people have a condition called synesthesia, whereby they experience the world through blended senses. For example, hearing certain keys of music being played may make someone with synesthesia see various colors. Take a moment to view the video, Synesthesia: Experiencing the World through Blended Senses, from eMediaVASM, and discover exactly what it means to have blended senses.