Psychoactive Drugs and Their Effects

Female holding pill packets in front of her face

Psychoactive drugs affect consciousness by influencing how neurotransmitters operate at the synapses of neurons in the Central Nervous System. They include any substance that changes one’s perceptions, moods, or consciousness. Each drug affects the neural messages differently, causing various effects. There are three main neural actions that can take place:

  1. Some psychoactive drugs fool nerve cells in the brain into believing it is a neurotransmitter;
  2. Other substances block actions of particular neurotransmitters in the brain; and
  3. Some drugs work by blocking the re-absorption of neurotransmitters after they spill into the neuron's synapse. Since the neurotransmitter is stuck in the synapse, it begins to fire over and over again.

digital iconTaking drugs has many impacts on your brain and body. To learn more about the consequences of taking drugs, view the video Science of Addiction, from eMediaVA. As you watch the video, think about why people take legal and illegal drugs. Does it make a difference whether you take drugs when you are younger or older? Why? What mental, physical, and social changes may happen when someone takes drugs?

Problems Associated with Drug Use

Problems Associated with Drug UseNot all drugs are dangerous, but some substances can lead to problems. In this interactivity, you will explore a few issues associated with the use of certain drugs, such as dependence, withdrawal, and tolerance. Click the player to begin.

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Categories of Drugs

categories of drugsDrugs fall into various categories, including depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. The impact that drugs have on individuals varies. In ths presentation, you will explore the varied effect of each drug grouping. Click on the player to begin.

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Trends in Drug Use Among Teenagers

URL iconEvery year, the University of Michigan administers the Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey to measure drug, alcohol, and tobacco use among eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the United States. The MTF also looks at attitudes of these populations. By examining data provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, you will gain knowledge about trends in drug use among teenagers. Specifically, you will explore graphs and charts related to results of the 2015 MTF report, which was given to 44,892 public and private school students.

think iconTake a moment to explore the Monitoring the Future 2015 Survey Results. As you examine the website and associated graphics, reflect on the following question: Do you believe this data accurately reflects drug use among teens at your high school? Why or why not? Take a moment to privately think about your own drug use. Where do you fall in this range among teenagers? Why does this matter to you?

Biological, Psychological, and Social Influences on Drug Use

girl with dark hair with her head down and hand covering her eyesWhy do you think some people use drugs, but not others? Factors influencing drug use vary greatly, but studies have found biological, psychological, and social elements all contribute. Biological factors include a genetic predisposition, like close relatives who have a drug dependence. Similarly, biological factors may include thrill-seeking behavior in childhood, or a low dopamine reward system, which is common in people diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Conversely, psychological factors that influence drug use include a need for instant gratification, experiencing depression, feeling directionless, having an inability to cope with stress, or having a history of physical or sexual abuse. Finally, social influences on drug use include exposure to the media's portrayal of substances, attitudes from cultural groups, and drug use habits among friends.

digital repository iconTake a moment to view the video The Botany of Desire: Drugs and Culture from eMediaVASM, to discover more ways that culture influences drug use. As you watch, think about how your culture influences your own behaviors.


Psychoactive Drug Review

psychoactive drug reviewself-check iconNow that you have learned about various psychoactive drugs, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.