As an adolescent, you likely face a variety of issues. Some of these issues may not affect you directly, but they may have impacted your friends. Perhaps you have strong a opinion regarding specific problems that face adolescents. What do you consider some of the most important issues teens encounter today?
Select an issue facing adolescents that you would like to know more about, based on your peers' opinions. Feel free to select an issue you are personally passionate about. Some suggestions include:
- Dropping out of high school
- Prevalence of bullying
- Rate of teen suicide
- Rise in obesity
- Texting while driving
After selecting an issue, choose a minimum of four teens who will help you learn more about the topic. Then, use the questions listed below to help guide you as you gather information. Ask the teens to respond to the following questions. If someone does not provide you with a complete answer, encourage him or her to share more thoughts.
- Do you believe this issue is a significant problem for teens? Explain why or why not.
- What do you believe are the causes of this issue?
- What suggestions do you have for solving this issue?
Use the Adolescent Issues Question Guide to fill in answers to each question during the interviews. Use the space provided in the document to record relevant notes that will help you reflect for your analysis. Before you begin, review the Adolescence Issues Checklist to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.
Write a five-to-eight sentence paragraph analysis based on the responses you were provided. Your analysis should include a summary of the opinions gathered and your personal insights into what you learned from your interviews. For example, are the opinions varied or similar? Why? Also consider whether your standpoint on the issue changed due to what you learned from this experience.
Once you have completed Adolescent Issues Question Guide and written your analysis, please submit both to the dropbox.